08 January 2014

Day 8/365: Do re mi (fa so...)

Play me!
Sad to say, I haven't practiced my guitar in a very long time.  So long that I'm embarrassed to admit it.  I think it's about time I started back up on that again.  I just know that I've forgotten everything and I'll need to start from scratch (mostly).  I doubt I can read music anymore at this point.  It is true, one can learn so much better with a guitar teacher.  Going to guitar lessons was always motivation for me to practice because I wasn't going to show up at my lesson not having improved from the last lesson.

It made me feel good to be able to read music too.  I'm all about anything that makes me feel good.  There's just something about playing guitar that really draws me in and makes me focus.  When I'm playing guitar regularly, I easily practice an hour or more every day without getting bored or even noticing the time.  Unfortunately, once I fall out of the habit, it's hard to get me back into it. New year, new goals.

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