24 January 2014

Day 22/365: Livestock Barn

I take my dogs to training classes at the fairgrounds.  We get to hang out in the livestock barns as we train our dogs (minus livestock). Right now, it's like a skating rink all over the place there!  I got there a little earlier, hoping to walk them a bit before class.  It was okay in the grassy area, but beyond that, not even Clyde could keep his footing.  He's been my stability when I have to walk over icy patches.  I ask him for 'help', grab on to his harness and he walks me across the patches calmly.  I'm not sure if he really helps or if I'm just more mentally confident and therefore don't slip.  Either way, it works and I'm a lot less anxious about walking them in icy conditions.  Ah, dogs.  :)

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