01 January 2014

Day 1/365: Happy New Year!

Ribeye = Yum!
Not the most interesting picture to start off my Project 365, but at least it tasted good.  :)  Ribeyes are definitely my favorite cut of steak, cooked rare.  The fattier, the better.  Though lately I've been avoiding eating too much of the fat because these aren't grassfed cows and the fat is where all the nasty stuff builds up (hormones, antibiotics, other toxins, etc.).

Funny thing about steak (or beef in general) is that I never really liked eating it when I was young.  I didn't like beef much and definitely wasn't interested in steak.  Usually if there was beef in some kind of meal, I would eat the bare minimum and give the rest to my mother (same with chicken skin...).  But somewhere around 2007, I just...got into it.  I prefer my steak rare, where I can still taste the bloody goodness of it.  Does that sound gross?  A nicely seared, rare steak is just....excellent.

Note to self:  need to expand my vocabulary.

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