21 January 2014

Day 21/365: Chinese Soup

Secret soup ingredients

It's been awhile and I'm long over due for some good ol' Chinese soup.  I should have been making this when I was deathly ill (ha ha) with the flu.  Oh well.  I've got a variety of dried herbs, roots, spices and other goods in my pantry for this.

Funny how I used to hate drinking these soups when I was young.  My mother would make me choke it down after I was already full from my dinner.  Of course, she also used to make it taste really strongly of ginseng (bitter) and that was part of the reason why I didn't like it either (and I was, literally, choking it down).  Anyway, somehow I really appreciate it now.

Soup fail:  I was so busy typing up my blog that I didn't pay attention to the soup at the beginning.  I didn't scoop out the nasty scum (boiled out from the chicken fat/bones), so the soup became cloudy.  Bah!  Oh well, next time.

What's awesome?  Vacuum sealers.  I've been lazy to make soup simply because I buy whole chickens and freeze them without preparing them.  Therefore, they need to get thawed, then skinned and halved before I can use them.  So...they sit in the freezer and I don't make soup.  This will now change.  :)

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