14 January 2014

A no picture post

Over the last few days, I've started practicing the guitar again (yay).  I'm starting from the beginning in my book.  It's not nearly as bad as I worried it might be.  I'm progressing pretty quickly (hurray for muscle memory) and I'm also re-learning how to read music fairly easily too.  It's encouraging to progress as much as I have, considering how long it's been.

Last night, I had a really excellent practice session and I wound up playing probably over an hour.  I really don't know how that happens.  When I start playing, I just keep doing it. Unfortunately, my callouses aren't there yet so tonight my fingers were sore and I did not play well, so I stopped not too long after.  Oh well, good days and bad days.

Iwish I had started playing when I was a kid.  Even 18 wouldn't have been that bad.  Now being a grownup and all, there just doesn't seem to be much time to do the things I want to do.

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