05 August 2013

I'm walking!

Day 4 of being weight bearing on my left leg.  I'm doing great!  I've already returned my crutches and I feel pretty good walking again.  After I fractured my pelvis, I was walking for the first three weeks with a walker and the next three weeks on crutches.  This past Thursday I went back to my doctor and he said I am in the clear and can get off as soon as I feel comfortable.  So for the first day or two, I still brought my crutches around with me but I really didn't use them a whole lot.  My left leg felt achy and sore like I've overworked it (which, I guess I was) but it was tolerable.  This morning when I got out of bed, I wasn't even wobbly.  Hurray!  Joan is almost normal again.

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