18 September 2013

Surprise veggies!

I was gone for three weeks and came back to a nice surprise!  Besides the fact that my garden is overgrown and neglected, of course.  But my crookneck squash popped up (I didn't expect that to grow, either) and I have a bunch of squash.  When I left, I saw ONE eggplant growing but came back and found FOUR!  :D  Also, my green onions grew monstrous.  Yikes!  They're practically leeks...except not.  ;)

04 September 2013

You know you're ADD when...

You go to the airline website to check-in to your flight, click on the "Change Seats" just to see what's available but decide your seat is best and click continue.  While that's loading, you open up Facebook in another tab, skim down a bit and see an NPR article about working dogs for conservation, open up the link to the article, skim the article, then go straight to their website and read up on their field biologists and realize your PhD project that you will find in the near future must somehow involve training working dogs for conservation.  Preferably involving reptiles and/or amphibians.  Half an hour later, after deciding your possible next half a decade, you switch back to your airline tab and realize you never finished checking-in.  I really wonder where my time goes sometimes.

In less than 12 hours, I will be on a flight to Seattle to meet my mom, cousin and aunt for a road trip to Vancouver, BC.  My mom called Monday night to remind me to bring my passport, my dad called Tuesday night to remind me to bring my passport and my cousin texted me tonight to bring my passport.  Check!

Now let's hope I don't miss my flight.

26 August 2013

Frozen greens

I froze ridiculous amounts of kale and collards this past weekend.  Having a steamer and vacuum sealer is awesome.

I also discovered an absolutely divine snack.  Kale chips made with maple syrup, oil and a little bit of salt.  YUM.  And because we also have a food dehydrator, kale chips are a cinch.

Note to self:  make more kale chips asap.

22 August 2013


I was shocked to find an eggplant in my garden!  I planted a bunch of eggplants but they were severely neglected before I was able to get them into the garden.  I didn't expect any fruit at all.  :)  Plus a handful of cherry tomatoes and ground cherries (which, taste like Twinkies by the way).

Yay, carrots!!!  I planted Chantenay and Paris Market but have yet to find those Paris Market ones...I can't quite remember where I put them.  The ones on the right somehow snuck into a spot I didn't plant carrots in and grew together.  How awesome!

16 August 2013

Morning Glory Pool, Yellowstone National Park

I've always wanted to come see this and for some reason never made it here the other times I came to Yellowstone.  I love the color of the water...but apparently the best view is from up in the air.  ;)

 And another spring I'll never remember the name of.

12 August 2013

The Wolverine

We watched The Wolverine last night and as usual, it did not disappoint.  :)  Sure, these movies tend to have some cheesy lines and scenes I could do without, but I don't think I'll ever get sick of seeing Wolverine kick some ass.  And okay, I hope Hugh Jackman does not give up the role.  Wolverine's always been my favorite and especially when the movies came out.  ;)

Of course, this prompted me to go back to Netflix to watch the X-Men cartoons from the early 1990's and I discovered that it's been pulled!!!  What sadness!  Why, oh why did I keep putting off watching them again?  But lo and behold...they are streaming it free for Amazon Prime members!  Woohoo X-Men

07 August 2013

My dogs are cuter than yours.

That is all.

Lincoln City, OR

May 2013

Traveling to the coast reminded me just how much I miss the coast.  Sad!  There is just something about the water, the smell, the noise, the air.  Love it.

05 August 2013

I'm walking!

Day 4 of being weight bearing on my left leg.  I'm doing great!  I've already returned my crutches and I feel pretty good walking again.  After I fractured my pelvis, I was walking for the first three weeks with a walker and the next three weeks on crutches.  This past Thursday I went back to my doctor and he said I am in the clear and can get off as soon as I feel comfortable.  So for the first day or two, I still brought my crutches around with me but I really didn't use them a whole lot.  My left leg felt achy and sore like I've overworked it (which, I guess I was) but it was tolerable.  This morning when I got out of bed, I wasn't even wobbly.  Hurray!  Joan is almost normal again.