You go to the airline website to check-in to your flight, click on the "Change Seats" just to see what's available but decide your seat is best and click continue. While that's loading, you open up Facebook in another tab, skim down a bit and see an NPR article about working dogs for conservation, open up the link to the article, skim the article, then go straight to their website and read up on their field biologists and realize your PhD project that you will find in the near future must somehow involve training working dogs for conservation. Preferably involving reptiles and/or amphibians. Half an hour later, after deciding your possible next half a decade, you switch back to your airline tab and realize you never finished checking-in. I really wonder where my time goes sometimes.
In less than 12 hours, I will be on a flight to Seattle to meet my mom, cousin and aunt for a road trip to Vancouver, BC. My mom called Monday night to remind me to bring my passport, my dad called Tuesday night to remind me to bring my passport and my cousin texted me tonight to bring my passport. Check!
Now let's hope I don't miss my flight.
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